To enhance regional interaction, provide training, and facilitate the timely dissemination of weather and climate information, promoting excellence in climate journalism and raising public awareness on climate-related issues.


To empower science journalists in the Greater Horn of Africa for accurate and impactful reporting, fostering resilience and sustainable development in the region.


Supported Medias


Supported Medias
Projects Completed
Raised to Date
Partner Fundings
Happy Repeat Customers
Our Story

Our Story

NECJOGHA has had a significant impact in strengthening the capacity of media professionals, improving information dissemination, fostering policy dialogue, promoting public engagement, and enhancing resilience to climate and weather-related challenges. Through its network and collaborative efforts, NECJOGHA continues to play a vital role in addressing climate change impacts and building a more climate-resilient future in the Greater Horn of Africa.


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There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have in some form, by injected humou or words which don’t look even slightly believable. There are many variations of but the majority have suffered.

Meet Our Team Members

Experienced Team

David Luganda

Managing Director

David Luganda


Christine Eve

Managing Director

David Hardson


Fred Andrew


Sarah Rose

Managing Director
World is Full with Creativity

Together We can Bring More Creativity into the World

Our Testimonials

What They Say

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