Meet our daily posts
IPCC calls for nominations of authors for the Special Report on Climate Change and Cities
Where we Work
NECJOGHA is a network of journalists dedicated to improving climate reporting in the Greater Horn of Africa. We bridge the gap between scientists, policymakers, and the public, providing journalists with the tools and knowledge to tell compelling stories about climate and society.
Disaster Risk Management
Become part of a growing community working on climate services
Network of journalists
Our Mission
NECJOGHA strengthens climate journalism in the Greater Horn of Africa by bridging the gap between scientists and media professionals, enabling accurate and impactful reporting on climate change and environmental issues.
Our Vision
A future where collaborative climate journalism in the Greater Horn of Africa bridges science and society, driving informed decision-making and collective action to address environmental challenges and build a more resilient region.
Our Impact
Delivering Climate Services to the Greater Horn of Africa
Our work
We improve regional climate predictions and the forecasting capacity of member states. We work to strengthen capacities in severe weather early warning systems, numerical weather prediction, computing and power storage, data collection and sharing.