SCIPEA project

The purpose of the SCIPEA project was to strengthen climate partnerships on three levels.

Enhancing links and data exchanges between global, regional and national climate organisations was a core part of the project, with the aim of strengthening resources and tools for seasonal forecasts. In addition, the project has facilitated the co-development of tailored services with climate information providers and users. The long-term capacity development aims of the project involved working with national meteorological and hydrological services (NMHSs), universities and training centres in the region to strengthen training resources and the capacity for climate service development.

Partners Involved

There were a number of partners involved in this project including the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development) Climate Prediction Applications Centre (ICPAC), the meteorological services of Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, educational institutions and end users of seasonal forecasting information in the region and from the four countries. These included the Red Cross, ministries of agriculture and water resource and disaster risk reduction organisations as well as the energy, food security and nutrition, and media sectors.

The benefits of the strengthened partnerships encouraged by SCIPEA include increased capacity for regional and national early warning services and more effective responses to climate threats and opportunities. Visit the following website for more information

Key theme of this project

Co-production was a key theme of this project. Read our guide on the co-production of prototype climate services for more information.

Project reports/documentation

Blog, August 2016 – Extended training at Greater Horn of Africa Climate Outlook Forum (GHACOF) 44.

Report, November 2016 – Science visit to USA.

Reports, December 2016 – Service development workshops with the Kenya Red Cross Society and KenGen. Follow the links to read the reports.

Media training concept note

SCIPEA project summary

A series of case studies highlighting the impact of this project:

Personal development and regional impact – April 2018

A brighter forecast for food security – April 2018 (updated August 2019)

Powering up the forecasts – June 2018

Climate is on the menu – October 2019

SCIPEA poster

SCIPEA Project Infographic – December 2021

For more information visit the following link